Saturn I, II & III by Karl Van Welden

In 2006 Karl Van Welden (°1980, Belgium) initiated United Planets, a cycle of visual and performative work based on terrestrial or human presence in the universe. How does human kind relate to the immensity of the universe? Using the planets in our solar system as an chorage, he searches for artistic answers to this crucial question, with a predilection for silent movement and architectural forms. As an atmospheric backdrop, each planet represents another series of projects within which the same theme and form are further explored in-depth. Utilizing different disciplinesand depending on content, Van Welden chooses a suitable form and location. Continuously looking for the bigger picture, Van Welden often works in situ. Unusual locations thus fulfill an important role as active partner and source of inspiration.
SATURN is a series of performance installations, focusing on themes such as distance, intimacy, infinity, control and power in relation to the contemporary landscape. The site-specific project SATURN I – landscape explores the shaping powers of a natural landscape and is being developed parallel to SATURN II – cityscape, an installation for urban landscapes, and SATURN III- townscape, which highlights a rural environment. A circle of eight monolithically shaped observation points on a hill or a rooftop offers the audience a panoramic view of the surrounding environment. As a spectator you are invited to take your place in an observational post, zooming in on details in the panorama through a lens or binoculars. The gaze is guided towards isolated figures in the distance who attempt to inscribe themselves in the world though small gestures, in an atmosphere of melancholy and vague menace. In the estranged tension between distance andintimacy, the visitor creates his own time, accompanied by an individual soundtrack. Through the very act of looking, s/he creates an in-depth perception of the landscape, as a mediator between human-size actions and their cosmic dimensions.
Concept, direction, sound Karl Van Welden – dramaturgy Bart Capelle – performers Stefaan Claeys, Sarah Eisa, Michael Helland or Zoltán Vakulya, , Siet Raeymaekers, Kevin Trappeniers, Fran Verstegen or Kinga Jaczewska – sound Yannick Franck – assistance, photography & technical coördination Maarten De Vrieze – technical advice Vincent Malstaf – production wpZimmer & Verenigde Planeten | United Planets vzw – coproduction Oerol 2011 (NL), Vooruit (BE) – with the support of PACT Zollverein (DE), the city of Ghent (BE), the Flemish Community (BE)