CALL: Topos 3 – The evening school of gentle disarming

Bridging is the work of opening the gate to the stranger, within and without. To step across the tresholdis to be stripped of the illusion of safety because it moves us into unfamiliar territory and does notgrant safe passage. To bridge is to attempt community, and for that we must risk being open to personalpolitical and spiritual intimacy, to risk being wounded. Effective bridging comes from knowing when to closeranks to those outside our home, group, community, nation – and when to keep the gates open. – Gloria Anzaldua
Although we share the right to rest and leisure, this “non-productive” time away from work and other societal responsibilities such as education and domestic work, has been slowly shrinking. It consequently reduces the possibility for our individual and collective quality of experience and involvement. Free time is time when we can fully exercise our freedom and choice, when we do out of desire and pleasure and not out ofobligation, when we are hobbyists, amateurs, volunteers, or we just simply do “nothing”.wpZimmer invites you to join us and take part in The Evening School of Gentle Disarming* as a hobbyist, amateur and/or volunteer. It is a mash-up of a drawing school, amateur choir, music listening and film watching, language exploring, guided by artists: Ahilan Ratnamohan, Zorka Wollny, Siniša Ilić, and The Agency of Singular Investigations
More information and for subscription to the Evening Schools: CLICK HERE
Bodies of Knowledge with Sarah Vanhee & Damla Ekin Tokel – 13.06 : BOOK HERE
Film Screening and Poetry with Sirah Foighel Brutmann – 17.06: BOOK HERE
Practicing Democracy through Performance with Danae Theodoridou – 23.06: BOOK HERE