Children exploring with Goud Babelut Parcours

Musica Impulse Centre for Music showed their Babelut Parcours to some schools for the first time today. This is a course with voices, rhythms and movements tailored to children up to 5 years old.

Some schools were already allowed to explore the course but it is not until Saturday that the show officially premieres. This weekend is completely full but we will be in Sint-Truiden in a week and there are still tickets available, says Esther Ursem from Musica. You will experience a trail where children up to 5 years old can come and explore with parents and grandparents. There are mini-concerts with Jo Zanders, among others, where children gradually get to make their own music. In the centre of the building, we have created a sound garden with different corners where children can have the time of their lives with sounds. As icing on the cake, we all watch the performance Goldmädchen together where all the elements from the course come together.

Jo Zanders is already curious about the children’s reaction. They can get to know rhythm with me by working with crafted instruments. I start playing and if everything goes well, everyone is joining in within 15 minutes. I worked on a production for the Babelut Festival four years ago but it’s still a challenge. You can rehearse as much as you want but the moment with the children remains a surprise.

Rewatch the fragment on Radio 2.