Open call: a deluded state of mind

POSTHUMAN/Liesbet Hermans is looking for dancers/performers/physical actors for intimate
performance in public space (period november 2023 – may 2024).
About the project
In a deluded state of mind, an intimate performance in public space, Liesbet Hermans explores the relationship between our bodies and our minds. The starting point of this work is her fascination with the way our thinking patterns influences our perception of the world. The speed of our thoughts and the slowness of our body causes a state of restlessness which inspires her to create a movement language where fiction meets reality. The performer walks through the city with a small group of spectators. Through headphones they hear the performer’s inner world. They hear the thoughts of the performer, thoughts about his place in the world and about humanity. Silences and spontaneous associations alternate in an ongoing dialogue between the body’s impulse and its restless mind. We explore what happens if you were to embody your thoughts and how our physical, thinking and emotional bodies coexist and interact in a specific environment. On the border between dance and theater, we delve into conflicts as mindful disconnected, separate-connected, overstimulation-calmness and express these in various facets of movement.
We are looking for experienced performers of all ages with:
- A strong intuition, improvisational skills and creation in the moment.
Able to respond impulsively to a particular space with its uniqueness. - Affinity with self-awareness and the theme of the performance
Experience in observing your thoughts and emotions, the deeper layer within yourself - A certain transparency and vulnerability, working from a personal universe
- An open, exploring and co-creative way of working
- Adaptability for working in public space / different weather conditions
Auditions will take place on November 10, 2023 at Atelier La Geste in Ghent (in English). Salary according to CAO performing arts.
Planning project
Nov 21 – nov 25, 2023 Arts center 404, Ghent
Jan 29 – feb 9, 2024 C-takt, Neerpelt (You don’t have to attend all these days)
March 4 – march 15, 2024 Arts center Kaap, Bruges
April 15 – april 19, 2024 Kunstenwerkplaats, Brussels
April 22 – april 26, 2024 C-mine, Genk
April 27 & 28, 2024 Premiere, C-mine, Genk
May 1 to 5, 2024 (exact dates tbc) Arts festival Beyond the black box, Antwerp
August 7 to 11, 2024 (exact dates tbc) Theater op de markt, Hasselt
October 2024 (exact dates tbc) Arts festival Amok, Bruges
To participate
Send a resume with photo and a motivation of max 200 words to no later than october 25, 2023. We will let you know in early november if you are selected. For questions and more information about this open call, you can contact the same address.