A deluded state of mind
Liesbet Hermans
Deluded means confused or clouded. It effectively reflects the state of our human mind, causing us to continually create the illusion that we are separated from our reality. This is the starting point for the creation of this intimate performance in public space.
Delusions are distorted ways we view ourselves, other people, and the world around us. Like a distorted mirror, they reflect a distorted world. – A. Leonard
The performance starts from a duo constellation. Two bodies are connected: one performer and one spectator. They set off together for a walk through the city. The work process starts with silent walks. Streams of thoughts are noted and recorded in audio fragments. The spectator wears headphones and hears the flow of thoughts and active experience of the person (performer) walking in front of him/her.
Hermans’ performance challenges both the spectator and the performer to allow a state of transparency or insight into our ideas. According to her, we all have thoughts, doubts, fears and dreams. During the meeting that arises between these two people, she tries to create a mirror image in which these thoughts become visible. The individual versus the collective arouses her interest again and again. She may ask how the environment, with all its impulses, is experienced from an inner world.