
C-TAKT resolutely chooses artists who leave the beaten path. C-TAKT believes that an arts landscape with equal participation opportunities for every citizen needs creative innovation and an out-of-the-box strategy. Based on the belief that hybrid and process-based art practices, cross-sectoral creation and transversal presentation generate a new audience and thus broaden cultural participation, C-TAKT gives transdisciplinary arts maximum opportunities.

We have seen very consistent cultural participation figures in Flanders for decades. We can predict fairly well who goes to the theater and concerts and who barely participates in what is on offer. Variables that are decisive for predicting cultural participation are cultural capital, social capital and cultural participation history (e.g. from parents). Despite significant and persistent efforts to broaden the cultural audience, we see that the audience composition in the cultural centers remains approximately the same.

Continuing the observation that cultural participation in Flanders shows a very stable and predictable inequality, C-TAKT opts for art that tries to break fixed patterns and involve a broader audience.


C-TAKT is the reference house for transdisciplinary art where development, creation and presentation receive maximum support. Organized as a platform, we join forces with numerous partners to broaden the cultural audience through innovative processes and projects. C-TAKT shapes this mission into five strategic objectives.

C-TAKT wants to help further develop the transdisciplinary arts as a ‘discipline’ and highlight its importance and potential within the arts field and society

C-TAKT puts the artist at the center and offers tailor-made support for the development and production of transdisciplinary arts

C-TAKT wants to generate impact by showing transdisciplinary arts to an audience in various presentation formats

C-TAKT is a Flemish and international platform for meeting and connecting

C-TAKT strives to be a healthy and transparent arts organization that artists and partners trust