
TAAT is a Belgian-Dutch collective founded in 2012 by architect Breg Horemans (°1985) and theater maker Gert-Jan Stam (°1972) after a successful collaboration for the Do-It-Together (DIT) theater installation KHOR I at the World Horticultural Expo in Venlo (NL). TAAT operates at the intersection between theater, performance and visual arts, where the complex relationship between theater and architecture serves as a starting point and a process-oriented approach is pursued. TAAT’s projects can be seen as ‘social choreographies’ in space and are shown from theater festivals to design biennials, in big cities and small villages. Collaborations are often initiated with international experts and students from European theater and architecture courses. The long-term project HALL33 (HALL01 Maastricht to HALL06 Zurich) was developed together with C-TAKT and SoAP Maastricht. In addition, C-TAKT supports the collaboration between TAAT and Third Space (Lotte van den Berg) for the Dying Together project, which will premiere in October in the Rotterdam theater.

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Photo: Mirjana Vrbaski

In residentie HALL33

In HALL33 you enter a labyrinth of different rooms together with an unknown person. Every new space you encounter has its own quality, a unique shape, color, texture and sound. In every new space you are separated from the unknown other to a greater or lesser extent. Each space determines your mutual relationship and interaction in its own way.

In HALL33 the journey of discovery of the unknown other coincides with the discovery of the installation itself. Do you look for recognition and support or do you approach the subsequent challenging situations with humor, aggression or escape behavior? Every look, facial expression, movement and action will play a significant role in how you deal with unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations. The unknown other functions as a mirror, ally and opponent.

By playing with the proportions of the space and the relationship between the two participants, you are slowly taken away from your everyday worries and introduced into the rules of a ritual in which spontaneous behavior becomes acting, in which looking invites you to be looked at and where we pass each other by. walking there can lead to a special encounter.

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