Joery Erna


Joery Erna is a maker from Belgium who focuses on photography, film and sculpture. He is also active as a teacher and researcher at the Luca University of the Arts (Belgium) and the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands).

His work focuses on the elasticity of the photographic act and how it can be used as a form of dialogue. He wonders whether photography not only captures but also conjures. He is also interested in male identity, queerness and gender. These topics are easily reflected in his recent work and he focuses on discussing these topics through his artistic practice.

In residentie Elastic Encounter

The work that Joery Erna will create during his residency at C-TAKT revolves around dialogues with different makers to map out ways to evoke new forms of photographic practice. He will have working days with Max Janssen, Luca Tomaselli, Davidé Campanella, Jochem Eerdeckens, Karel Tuytschaever and Francesca Krol. The residency will conclude with a written essay and new artistic work that will be published and shown on December 15 during the final symposium Agents Of Concern: Images and Empathy in PXL.

project details