Everybody lives here
Stijn Demeulenaere, The Third Guy
An exploration of each other’s listening
Stand still for a moment. Sit down, maybe. Look around you, listen, observe. Maybe it is loud around you, maybe quiet, maybe those concepts are wrong. What do you hear? Sounds come from everywhere, from all directions. Below the threshold of your consciousness, a place, a place, presents itself to you. This happens as much through the sound you hear as through the light you see. It is up to you to give meaning to those sounds, to make connections between them. You start to concentrate on one sound, and you notice that there is another sound next to it, a perhaps more interesting, more intriguing sound. A sound that almost fell below the threshold of your attention. And so you listen on, jumping from sound to sound until you have created a whole world for yourself.
Stijn Demeulenaere and the duo The Third Guy present a project in which field recordings and musical instruments interact with the natural sonic environment of a place. Through real time interaction, the performers create layers of sounds that all interact with each other, creating a multi-layered trialogue, bound between time linearity and space. With Everybody Lives Here we want to create a performance that explores the sound of spaces. We work with the sound of a place, adding our own sounds and using them to emphasize the aural identity of the spaces in which we play. Through an interaction between the three performers and the audience, we want to create a sound environment that explores the sonic essence of places, their acoustics, their soundscape and the listening of the audience and ourselves. The performance is ideally suited for in situ performances, but also works on a stage, in concert halls or other buildings.