

Grensgeval makes performances with and/or for children and young people. The company takes children’s fantasy and intuition as a starting point to explore adult themes. In the productions, Grensgeval places these themes in a new, consciously naive logic, mixed with a dose of anarchy and punk.

Her productions are sensory: theater that not only stimulates visually, but also does so with smells, sounds, touch or tastes and thus creates its own imaginative world.

Grensgeval believes in the added value of cross-pollination between different disciplines and always wants to operate on that border. The company therefore always confronts a different (art) discipline, where makers with different artistic backgrounds surprise, inspire and disrupt each other, in order to arrive at a performance language that creates a fresh new imagination and logic and is slightly different from those of the various disciplines separately.

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Photo: Circuscentrum

In residentie KORROL

Between October 2021 and October 2022, Hanne Vandersteene (Grensgeval) will investigate the relationship together with artists/architects (Annelies de Smet, Lode de smet-Van Damme, Felix Fasolt, De Noodt Leydt and acrobats (Circus Katoen, Hedrik Hendrik Van Maele, etc.) between (autonomous) objects, acrobatics and the (theatrical) space. They start with the early concept phase and work further to the final development of several objects/spaces. They then investigate the objects acrobatically. Object and acrobat inspire each other: what are the possibilities and the limitations? How does the acrobatic course change and what could they change about the object? The research project thus takes place between the different disciplines and is a haven for research, inspiration, reflection with plenty of room for in-depth exploration.

project details